Monday, April 25, 2011


Back to work and starting to feel like myself again. This is a new one for the upcoming Magic: the Gathering set. Mindcrank, 9 x 12 in. oil on masonite.


  1. Yeah man, I love the clarity/chroma control on this one. Do you usually use a limited palette? or just go at it with whatever?

  2. Whoa! Look at that sexy png! :-P This is sick Chris, love it! Really really nice palette in this piece.

  3. You glorious bastard. That metal texture is awesome. Rad piece.

  4. Yikes! Good handling of metal and flesh textures...

  5. Thanks everyone!

    Scott - I don't intentionally limit my palette very often but at the beginning of each piece I do sit down and pull out the colors I think I'll be using and start with those. It's really done as much in an effort to save paint as to control the look of the final painting.

  6. Ahh i see...good point. I often find a few colors I put out never really get used and thus wasted. Thanks!
