So...the Misses and I just got back from our first trip to Japan (their photobooth technology has far surpassed our own). I was invited to go as a guest artist for Magic's World Championship in Chiba, just outside Tokyo, and luckily it worked out that Betty got to come along for the ride. It was an incredible time and I really want to thank Ron Foster at WotC for making it happen. Anyway, on to the photo-evidence:

Chippy and I signing and sketching away at the tournament.

Japanese pub food.

"Cubic Mouth Mickey"...moving on.

A round of 'Massive Magic'. This was a lot of fun to watch, 4' cards and 20 sided die the size of soccer balls.

Hey, there's one of mine!

Giant pen!

From the left: me, Mark Tedin, Chippy, Raymond Swanland, Ron Foster (WotC), new brand guy whose name escapes me (sorry), and Mr. Okubo. Now who is Mr. Okubo you may ask...

He's the guy that makes incredible, hand-cut, 3D Magic cards, that's who. I was lucky enough to be given three of his pieces while at the tournament and while my lame photo doesn't do his work any justice, trust me, they're un-frickin-believable.

Our buddies Chippy and Elaine at a basement Irish pub we found in Tokyo.


Betty - "Until next time, Tokyo".