Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Skaab Ruinator

Here's another one for the upcoming Magic: the Gathering set...definitely in the running for the grossest thing I've ever been asked to paint. As was the case with Stitched Drake, this guy's a creation of the Skaab, who are kind of the Dr. Frankensteins of this Magic universe. I remember I spent a lot of time on this one focused on capturing the chilly, foggy mood that I wanted for the scene. 

Skaab Ruinator - 12 x 16 in., oil on masonite


  1. Dude! How do you do it?! That is absolutely amazing! Is your name on the headstone because you died paintings this craziness?

  2. Awesome! The no head with just a spine is a nice touch!

  3. You totally nailed the atmosphere. Love the two heads.

  4. loving these last 2 pieces, Chris. love the atmosphere and the design of the creatures.

  5. Beautiful work, is the original for sale at all?

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Kade - Sure is, shoot me an email if you're interested :)
