Monday, November 30, 2009

Memory Lane - Day 6

I know it's late but here's the sixth and final installment of my trip down memory lane. This first piece is one of the few digital paintings I did while in school, it was for a hypothetical fantasy story called 'The Black Cauldron'.

*at least I thought it as hypothetical, apparently The Black Cauldron was a Disney movie from the '80s. Thanks Seth.

This next one was an attempt at mixing fantasy and sci-fi elements, called 'Klank'.

Here we have a mock-cover for Beowulf...

...And I thought I'd end with this piece. A self portrait that illustrates pretty well how I was feeling by the end of my time in art school.


  1. So basically you have always been amazing. Brilliant work man. I love seeing this stuff. I dont know how you were able to chooose which pieces to put in your portfolio. Bravo again.

  2. Cool to see all these pieces. I think I remember them all, and was in the same class for quite a few of them!

  3. inspiring , youre always such a hard worker!

  4. Thanks guys!

    Mark - yeah, you were definitely there for most of this stuff. Those were the days :)

  5. Wow, I'm floored by your student work!
    Both Beowolf and "Klank" are really well done.

  6. Damn, Chris, these are great. I cant believe these are all your student work. Seems like you had quite a handle on things early on! Thanks for sharing, it's always cool to see older work like this.

  7. man, i actually recognise some of these. they were displayed in bradley hall for a bit.

    awesome stuff as usual, chris! would love to see more!!

    oh, i've finished my first oil illustration btw. haha. i guess it came out ok. was pretty fun actually.

  8. So before it was a movie, The Black Cauldron was a pretty good series of fantasy books. I really enjoyed them as a teen.
