Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Greenhilt Trainee

Another new one for Magic: the Gathering. This guy and Mindcrank are still the two smallest paintings I've ever done for Magic. While the choice to paint them at a smaller size was initially made for the sake of speed, it was interesting to see the effect that it had on the final product. I feel like it forced me to be a little more decisive than I would have been. Greenhilt Trainee, 9 x 12 in., oil on masonite.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Back to work and starting to feel like myself again. This is a new one for the upcoming Magic: the Gathering set. Mindcrank, 9 x 12 in. oil on masonite.

Friday, April 22, 2011

+1 goblin, -4 wisdom teeth

I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday so this one's gonna be quick. Fraznak the Furious, 12 x 16 in., oil on masonite.

Back to the couch and the extended-edition Lord of the Rings trilogy :)

*I've been messing with how to keep Blogger from resizing/degrading my files. So far the best thing I've found is uploading them as .pngs. I'm curious if anyone has any other suggestions.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Magic Piece

This piece just got released on the Magic site. No name yet though. 11 x 14, oil on masonite.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Studio!

After about a week of working out of boxes I've finally got the new studio more or less unpacked. It's the first time in my life I'm working in a room that isn't obviously supposed to be a bedroom so I'm enjoying every minute of it. I decided to try my hand at cobbling together a panoramic pic of the whole thing, hopefully it's not too disorienting.